@Barrold Bonds
Translations are mine; nuance may be lost.
http://www.rtlnieuws.nl/editienl/jehovas-maken-kinderfilm-homos-niet-welkom-het-paradijs (National commercial TV station)
Michel van Hilten, spokesman for JW, is not bothered by the negative reactions to the video. "We feel it is within our freedom of speech to post these videos." But he wants to emphasize he has no intention to insult or offend people with this children's animation. "I don't think the video is cause for that."
According to Van Hilten the target audience for the video is 'primary children of Jehovah's Witnesses'. "And other people who are interested. We haven't posted the video on YouTube on purpose: it's better suited on our site, and people should watch it there."
Moreover he says that videos posted on the site, are never intended to be pedantic, (en)forcing or directing[?]. COC Nederland [LBGT rights association] requests JW Netherlandsto remove the video. Only if the 'outrage is justified', the Jehovah's will decide to take the video offline.
http://www.volkskrant.nl/binnenland/kritiek-op-jehovah-s-getuigen-om-anti-homo-kinderfimpje~a4294809/ (National newspaper, a serious one, not a tabloid)
Spokesman for JW NL Michel van Hilten doen't understand the criticism. 'I can't imagine people take offense to this video. We just want to tell our children that different principles exist in society.'
According to Van Hilten, children don't need to convince their class mates of the ideas of JW. 'We have a complete different intention with this video. We are absolutely not homophobic. Defenitely not.'